Blueface Tile


Tilefishes are mostly small perciform marine fish comprising the family Malacanthidae.[2][4] They are usually found in sandy areas, especially near coral reefs.[5]

Commercial fisheries exist for the largest species, making them important food fish. However, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration warns pregnant or breastfeeding women against eating tilefish and some other fish due to mercury contamination. [6][7] Exceptionally colorful smaller species of tilefish are favored for aquariums.


Generally shallow-water fish, tilefish are usually found at depths of 50–200 m in both temperate and tropical waters of the AtlanticPacific, and Indian Oceans. All species seek shelter in self-made burrows, caves at the bases of reefs, or piles of rock, often in canyons or at the edges of steep slopes. Either gravelly or sandy substrate may be preferred, depending on the species.[14]

Most species are strictly marine; an exception is found in the blue blanquillo (Malacanthus latovittatus) which is known to enter the brackish waters of Papua New Guinea‘s Goldie River.[15]

Tilefish feed primarily on small benthic invertebrates, especially crustaceans such as crab and shrimpMolluskswormssea urchins, and small fish are also taken.[16]

After the 1882 mass die-off,[17] great northern tilefish were thought to be extinct until a large number were caught in 1910 near New Bedford, Massachusetts


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